Jan 26, 2014

ಗಾಂಧಿ ಈಗ. . . .

You observe any daily news papers supplement these days. They are good enough to see not to read!
Hardly we can expect one or two readable articles and even those readable articles are often forgotten after a day or two.
Prajavani, one of the leading Kannada daily gives better supplements when compared to other leading Kannada daily.
Prajavani's today's supplement (26/01/2014) saphthahika puravina is one of the best supplement in recent days. Outs about Gandhi, his ideals, his confusions and a lot of confusions and discussions which occur because of Gandhi. Eminent writers and thinkers have written about Gandhi.
Don't miss it.
You can read all articles in www.prajavani.net

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